Timbo hits 100 BEEEELLION :)

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Timbo hits 100 BEEEELLION :)

Post by Woodles »

Hi all,

This morning, our esteemed leader Timbo added a twelfth digit to his total as he passed the 100 billion mark.

This makes him the 25th person in the world to achieve this landmark and only the second person in the UK!

Congratulations Tim, I think that deserves a Hobnob or two :D

:thumbright:  :thumbleft:
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Mark (and everyone else ;) )

Thanks for the posting... :)

Wow - 100 beeeellion...I never, EVER, thought I'd be able to achieve such a total, especially back in the dim, distant past, when I first started crunching SETI@home...1999 I think it was.

So, I think I'll have a nice plain choccy digestive from Aldi with my morning cuppa....seeing as times are a bit tough and no-one seems to be doing any BOGOF deals on Dark Choccy Hobnobs at the mo'... :(

One other small landmark to be aware of....UBT is approaching the 500 beeeellion total credit mark...and we'll be the FIRST UK team to hit that, assuming TSBT don't try and spoil our copybook. Expect this "event" to take place sometime around late on Thursday or early on  Friday :)

Also: KWSN are now increasing their RAC, so we might lose out on our current #5 world position...but we might just get it back, as and when we overtake SETI.Germany in about 3-4 months time or thereabouts ;)

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Post by Joshrandom »

Well done Tim, 100,000,000,000 credits is such an awesome total that, if you were your own country, you'd be ranked about twentieth (sitting right between Sweden and Portugal). :shock:

UBT - Timbo wrote:Wow - 100 beeeellion...I never, EVER, thought I'd be able to achieve such a total, especially back in the dim, distant past, when I first started crunching SETI@home...1999 I think it was.
I remember when this was all fields and just getting to a mere million credits seemed like an almost impossible dream, but then I've been crunching for a fair old while as well (2003 or thereabouts).   :D

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