New Dashcam

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UBT - Mikee
Marvin the Dalek
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New Dashcam

Post by UBT - Mikee »


My real life job involves driving around North and Mid Wales and earlier this year I got myself a dashcam as I wanted evidence of the numpties out there.

A short compilation...

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UBT - Timbo
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Re: New Dashcam

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi Mikee

Nice to see "White Van Man" maintaining his position as "top twat" ;-)

I see the same sort of thing in my neck of the woods (South Cheshire/North Staffs) and I'm waiting for a dashcam that looks both backwards and forwards as well as auto-focusing on twat drivers number plates...

What I'm NOT looking forwards to is how the twat drivers will react to "driver-less cars"...because I'm pretty sure there will (sadly) be an increase in road fatalities, simply due to road situations developing that will either cause the on-board computers to "crap out" or for the "twat drivers" to put themselves into a "no win" scenario, resulting in their deaths :-(

Personally, I think Scalextric missed a trick on this - they should have got the government to put a groove in the road and two metal tracks, one on each side (to transfer power to the vehicles) and then this whole fascination with driver-less cars could have been sorted out years ago. ;-)

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