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Server down 11 Sept 06

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:28 pm
by UBT - Halifax-lad
There some maintenance happening to the server room where SAP is hosted so there will be limited access to the project, so at least you now know why you might not be able to trickle-up

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:42 pm
by MikeMarsUK
If anyone has a model finishing tomorrow it may be an idea to download the next workunit tonight (suspend the first, then resume it as soon as a replacement starts to download).

Also, it may be an idea to run with network disabled for tomorrow, there is a (very slim) chance that if the network is cut while an upload is happening, it could mess up the transmission (shouldn't happen, but a small handfull of people have reported problems during network maintenance).