Strange BOINC Manager problem

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UBT - Timbo
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Strange BOINC Manager problem

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

I usually upgrade my BOINC Manager client a week or so after it is released, and just the other day, I upgraded to Windows v5.10.20.

All seemed well, until I awoke on Saturday and there was a Visual (something) error message - might have been Visual Studio? - TBH, I didn't pay much I have a number of app's that run 24/7, including BOINC.

So, shutdown and re-started...BOINC starts automatically and it seemed a bit slow at first.

Then I noticed I had NO projects....all was blank...

Clicking around, on the tabs, the projects then showed up for about 2 seconds ...and then promptly vanished again.

Been like this for 2 days now...and this PC is now not crunching...!

Have uninstalled and re-installed and I get the same as above....

Looked in Task manager and it seems only boinc.exe is running....

Checked to see if it's a Windows Firewall issue and although I don't have this "ON" (I use a hardware firewall), it seems it might have something to do with it....but I can't seem to find out, what is happening on an individual program basis....I can't find a firewall "log" file explain if it is doing anything I don't want.

Anyone seen this problem before?


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Post by jaysback »

Sorry I can't be any help.
5.10.20 running fine with no issues for me.
Did you clear boinc out of the registry when you uninstalled it?
May be worth a try.
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Post by UBT-mark3346 »

Ufluids caused this a while ago

"Ufluids is appearing to bu**er up Boinc when it cannot upload results, freezes then keeps disconnecting from the projects.  After several attempts (you only get a second or so each time) I managed to suspend communications which has fixed it"

If it's anything similar then perhaps suspending comms might help.
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

UBT-mark3346 wrote:Ufluids caused this a while ago

"Ufluids is appearing to bu**er up Boinc when it cannot upload results, freezes then keeps disconnecting from the projects.  After several attempts (you only get a second or so each time) I managed to suspend communications which has fixed it"

If it's anything similar then perhaps suspending comms might help.
Aha.....I haven't crunched any uFluids for some time, so maybe if I can react fast enough, I might get a chance to detach and see if that helps.

Thanks for the tip...!


UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

jaysback wrote:Sorry I can't be any help.
5.10.20 running fine with no issues for me.
Did you clear boinc out of the registry when you uninstalled it?
May be worth a try.
Yup - cleaned up the registry today, but haven't re-installed yet...was waiting to see if anyone else had had this issue before installing again. (But this time it'll be v5.10.18 !!)


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Post by jaysback »

I am running XP though, just incase you are on vista?
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Post by Timby »

Hi Tim, mine went pear shaped a couple of days ago on a Windows 2k Server machine, didnt get to the bottom of what was wrong with the Boinc manager, just un-installed it and re-installed it to a different drive and its been OK ever since, no problems with any of my other machines running Win 2K, XP or Vista!!
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Post by RodEllery »

Hi Tim,

I had similar last Friday/Saterday. Couldn't work out what was causing it. Installed latest Boinc Manager. It behaved the same. Eventually I Uninstalled. DEleted the whole BOINC directory. Cleaned up the registery and reinstalled. Apart from a few hours work lost, all is now running OK.

(Yes I did have uFluids running).
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

Seems the problem is down to a change of URL at vtu@home, who are now called vgtu@home.

As to why it should cause such a big issue with BOINC Manager? Most likely down to the fact that it polls each URL (that you are either crunching on, or attached to) and, if it can't find one of the URLs, it locks BOINC Manager up...!

I sorted my issue out, by editing the client_state.xml file, which enabled me to get BOINC running and to then detach from VTU....

See here


Last edited by UBT - Timbo on Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by melter65 »

jaysback wrote:Sorry I can't be any help.
5.10.20 running fine with no issues for me.
Did you clear boinc out of the registry when you uninstalled it?
May be worth a try.
Can jaysback confirm that, like me, he isn't crunching VTU? I've also been running v5.10.20 for ages now, without any problems :D

It would just tie Tim and Rods problems down :D
UBT - The Prof....
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Post by UBT - The Prof.... »

5.10.20 runs fine on my system.
Not running vtu/vgtu
UBT - Janea
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Post by UBT - Janea »

I've got the same problem here.  It only started when a finished VTU project tried to upload.  I was running an older verion of BOINC so I installed the 10.20 version and still the same.  I am running through BoincstatsBAM so removed VTU from my list of projects and I tried syncing it.  It worked for a second and then flashed off.

Not too keen on playing around with the registry but I'll have a go at uninstalling and reinstalling and hope it starts to work.
UBT - Janea
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Post by UBT - Janea »

So I tried the un/re-install thing but it didn't work.  However there was a VTU W/U on the transfers page waiting to upload.  I selected Tools/Sync with BOINCStats BAM and when it flashed up for a second I managed to click on Abort Transfer and that seems to do the trick.

Strangely, VTU@Home is showing in the Sign Up for projects page on BOINCstats as Pre-Alpha.
UBT - Timbo
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Post by UBT - Timbo »

UBT - Janea wrote:I've got the same problem here...........Not too keen on playing around with the registry but I'll have a go at uninstalling and reinstalling and hope it starts to work.
Hi Jane,

You don't NEED to edit the registry at's just a simple issue of opening Wordpad and doing a search and replace on a single little file within your BOINC folder........

Just follow the link to the message in the BOINC forum I gave above...!

The issue seems to be caused by VTU changing their, you'll need to detach and then re-attach using the NEW URL.


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