Optimised SETI apps

SETI@home and SETI BETA - project now closed, maybe for good :-(
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UBT - Timbo
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Optimised SETI apps

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

I used to use crunch3rs optimised SETI app, "way back when" BOINC first started up...

And I discovered today, by chance, that there are some optimised apps for SETI v8 (and v7) tasks.

You can find a thread on SETI@home message board here:

http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_th ... p?id=71867

And if you want to give it a go, then the files are available for download from here:


I used the Lunatics Win32_0.44 link, which downloads a smallish-file (25Mb) which when run, interrogates your system and suggests the relevant apps to install. It didn't quite recognise my GTX580 (Fermi) GPU, so I had to override it's choice. But otherwise, it installed quite easily.

(Make sure you have stopped BOINC, and preferably, have finished all running tasks....I suspended those that hadn't started and left the rest to finish. After this I shut down BOINC and used the installer).

No need to reboot and tasks are now using the optimised apps.

Will have to see what effect it's had...hopefully reduced crunching times ;)

Has anyone else tried these ? What benefit have you seen ?

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Optimised SETI apps

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all,

Well, I have to say I'm a little bit "underwhelmed" by the Lunatics Optimised SETI apps. It's only been a day since I installed them and the time to complete either a CPU or GPU task seems to be about the same.

A good while ago, I recall crunch3rs optimised apps, made a big difference to completion times...and in time, his work (and his helpers) was slowly introduced into some projects ""stock" apps.

So, the project apps have got better over time...so, it's maybe not so big a surprise that the latest optimised apps do not bring about a large reduction in crunching times.

Will see how it goes over the next few days and you never know, it might suddenly get better ;)

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