Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

A section to chat about whatever takes your fancy about the team in general. For queries about the UBT Forum, please post a message here. Likewise, any suggestions for making the forum better...
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UBT - Timbo
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Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

So, it's THAT time of the year AGAIN.... ;-)

And it falls on me to wish everyone a Merry Xmas (don't get too merry if you are driving :auto-swerve: - in fact, you shouldn't be driving at all !!), and if you are travelling (and hopefully not via Gatwick) then have a safe and leisurely journey (as there's no point rushing :auto-layrubber: ).

Then you can enjoy a relaxing time, opening pressies, gorging on food and drink :obscene-drinkingdrunk: and keeping your fingers crossed that some politicians will pull their finger out and get on with whatever needs to be done re: Brexit.

And then reality will strike as soon as the chimes of Big Ben strike midnight on 31st December and we will all have good and bad reflections on what was 2018.

And as for Brexit...? I'm not saying a word...we all have our views on the actual issue...but one thing that is fairly obvious is that our elected representatives (on all sides) have collectively failed, over the last 2+ years to actually take positive action :tools-hammer: :tools-wrench: to prevent the knife edge situation we have now. :-(

If and when the next general election comes, (assuming there isn't a political revolution beforehand) certain MPs :teasing-knob: are going to find themselves out of a job !

In the meantime, BOINC is still going, and we can still donate a wee bit :techie-hourglass: of our computing power to help others. :-)

So, best wishes to everyone and here's to what we can all expect to be an interesting 2019 !!

UBT - Timbo
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

I was going to "cut and paste" the above into a new message...but that wouldn't appear that sincere... !

So, instead I'm bumping the above as the sentiments remain the same...excepting the Brexit stuff, which now seems to be starting to happen by end of Jan 2020 and with a full exit happening by end December 2020.

On the BOINC front, a big thank you goes to all contributors - both forum members and to those who assist the Team through your volunteer computing efforts but who've yet to join in here. ;-) (The question is "WHY haven't you joined our forum yet ??" ).

And special thanks to our forum members who are major BOINC crunchers: Mark, Chris C, and Damien who've put in superb efforts this year (and at great personal expense too, as someone has to pay for all the leccy being used).

And now, onwards to 2020 - a new Formula BOINC season awaits and perhaps some new BOINC projects will come on stream?

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all - and here's hoping that 2020 is peaceful and doesn't fly by as fast as 2019 did ;-)

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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by damienh »

Merry Christmas Tim, and team. Hope you all have a good break (and hope that we crack #10 ;))
UBT - Timbo
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

Another bump to my 2018 message !!

And just a year ago, who'd da thought that 2020 would turn out to be so different to any previous year (and certainly any in "living memory"...).

At least my wish for a peaceful 2020 came true...and the issues with lockdowns and tiers certainly didn't help make the year go THAT quickly...!!

What with Covid-19 and now the prospect of our glorious elected Govt screwing up Brexit by not successfully negotiating the "oven ready" deal that we were promised...I doubt that it could actually have turned out much worse.

One good thing is that the complete dickhead in the White House (who claimed that Coronavirus was no worse than flu) has got his come uppance and will be shortly escorted from the premises on 20th January.

So, at least the yanks have something good to look forwards to...whilst us Brits will have the worry of blocked ports (if the Frenchies have anything to do with it), fresh food shortages and a likely drop in exchange rates as no one will want any sterling currency, so its value will plummet against the US$ and Euro.

So, with hand on heart, I can honestly say that I sincerely hope that 2020 will NOT be remembered as there weren't many good things happening and perhaps Her Maj the Queen will declare it to be the second "Annus Horribilis" in her long reign.

I'm not sure what to wish for in 2021 - but maybe the vaccines will be adminstered, fewer people will get infected by the virus and we can look forwards to a time, maybe in 2022, when things might return to some sort of normality?

I think that 2021 will just be a year of "treading water" and hoping things settle down a bit...

With that I will wish you all a quiet and peaceful Xmas, within each of your family "bubbles" - keep staying safe, look after your nearest and dearest and with luck, once the Spring and Summer arrives, we can see a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel.

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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by chriscambridge »

Happy Christmas, Holidays, and New Year to all.
UBT - PennyQ
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by UBT - PennyQ »

:occasion-xmas: :occasion-snowman: :occasion-partyblower: :occasion-santa: Last bits of shopping done at 10:30 last night, all presents wrapped and ready for the biggish day tomorrow, so now it's time to relax! Wishing you all a very merry Xmas, whatever the situation, and happy 2021 (with hopes that it all turns out right in the end...)
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by rimmer66 »

Merry Christmas to all, and lets hope next year is a better one.

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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by damienh »

Merry Christmas everyone!
UBT - Timbo
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by UBT - Timbo »

Hi all

Well, we're nearly at the end of another year. !!

Hopefully, members will have survived the pandemic and by now, should be on the way to having their 3rd jab...which should give a higher degree of protection, as we head into the winter.

So, without making a meal of it, I'd like to wish all UBT members and forum visitors a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

And, if Santa is going to grant any wishes to anyone, let's hope that Omicron is the last (major) variant of Covid and that by summer 2022, it will have been mostly eradicated and, maybe for the next few years an annual booster might be all that is required to keep it at bay.

Take care over the Xmas holidays, and keep staying safe, by doing the sensible stuff of sanitising, social distancing and getting your vaccination(s) for both you and your family.

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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by chriscambridge »

Happy Christmas, Holidays, and New Year to all.
UBT - PennyQ
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by UBT - PennyQ »

:occasion-santa: :occasion-xmas: :occasion-snowman: Festive greetings to one and all
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Re: Merry Xmas and HNY to all members...

Post by rimmer66 »

Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year .

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